Member Name
First Name
Last Name
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
What is the best way for us to reach you?
Check the CSA shares that you would like to purchase
Weekly Organic Rainbow Eggs (full $90 / half $45 + optional $15 for reusable egg carton)
Weekly Organic Pasture-raised Chicken (full $300 / half $150, Oct, Nov, Dec)
Monthly Organic Pasture-raised Chicken Share ($75, Oct, Nov, Dec)
Monthly Organic Grassfed Lamb ($200, Oct, Nov, Dec)
Monthly Organic Pasture-raised Mixed Protein ($260, Oct, Nov, Dec)
Monthly add-ons
Organic Rainbow Eggs ($8x3 = $24)
Organic Maple Syrup 12 oz ($15x3 = $45)
Organic CBD Tincture 1 oz 500 mg ($40x = $120)
Check your pick-up preference
Monthly shares pick-up during the first week of the month
The Cooperage Project, Honesdale, Wed 11 - 1
The Cooperage Project, Honesdale, Sat 11 - noon
The BetterWorld Store, Milford, Wed 5 - 6 PM
The BetterWorld Store, Milford, Sat 11 - noon
Two Creek Farm Stand, Lakewood, Sun 10 - noon
Home Delivery Instructions ($5 surcharge)
Please include preference of day (Wed or Sat)
Payment Instructions
Please see our payment options below. We expect payment in full upfront. Once we receive payment, we will contact you to confirm.
If you'd like a payment plan or need additional payment options, please let us know in the comment box below.
Zelle (646) 483-3285 or (570) 604-3938
Venmo @twocreekfarm
Check by mail payable to "Two Creek Farm"
Other (please explain in comment in box below)
Feedback / Questions
Please share your questions and/or feedback. We appreciate your support and hope you enjoy our local products. Looking forward to a delicious harvest season!
I am making a commitment to support Two Creek Farm CSA and understand that I will share both the rewards and the risks of the growing season along with the other members and the farm. I realize there is no guarantee on the exact amount and type of produce I will receive and understand that Two Creek will endeavor to ensure I receive high-quality organic produce.
I understand and agree
I am responsible for picking up my share and can send someone in my place if I cannot come. If I am unable to pick up on schedule, I will contact Two Creek 24 hours in advance of the scheduled pick-up to request to shift to another CSA pick-up option. I understand if my share is not picked up, it will be donated elsewhere.
I understand and agree