Pastured Organic Rainbow Eggs
Eggs are our signature product. We raise heritage-breed hens on pasture in a Salatin-style mobile coop. This offers sunshine, fresh air, and a diet of green grass and insects. They also eat soy- and GMO-free organic grains. By capturing all manure directly on pasture, our layers play an important role in regenerating pasture and building living soil.
Organic Pasture-raised Broilers
After a few weeks in our brooders, our heirloom broilers live on pasture in mobile pens with abundant grass, bugs and sunshine. We also provide local non-soy organic grains. We process our birds on farm. Because all of the manure ends up on pasture, our broilers play a vital role building living soil and improving the quality of forage for our grazing animals.
Organic Pasture-raised Turkeys
Our organic turkeys are raised from poults on pasture. They are aggressive foragers and meet much of their nutritions needs from grass and insects. We offer organic non-soy grains as supplement feed. We process on farm just before Thanksgiving. Click here to learn more about our turkeys for sale!
Organic Grass Fed Lamb
Our Katahdin flock is 100% grassfed. We lamb on pasture in the early spring and use small-paddock grazing throughout the growing season. Our pasture grasses capture carbon from the atmosphere as they grow. Our sheep then convert this into nutritious protein and living soil through their manure.
Organic Forested Pork
The main role of pigs on our farm is to regenerate forests, but they also provide delicious pork. We rotate our Berkshire pigs across forest paddocks to provide fresh browse while focusing ecosystem impact.
100% Grassfed Beef
Our Black Angus cattle are grassfed and grass-finished. They are raised on our partner farm with access to fresh forage through rotational grazing. We do not use antibiotics, steroids, or added growth hormones.
Organic Maple Syrup
Our syrup is single-sourced from the sugar maples in our tree lanes and mature forests. It is wood-fired in small batches in the beginning of spring each year.